Early Alzheimer’s brain pathology linked to psychiatric symptoms

UC San Francisco researchers, in collaboration with the unique Brazilian Biobank for Aging Studies (BBAS) at the University of São Paulo, have shown that the earliest stages of the brain degeneration associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are linked to neuropsychiatric symptoms including anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, and sleep disturbances.

Source: Early Alzheimer’s brain pathology linked to psychiatric symptoms


Harvard study of almost 800k lives shows technology reduces medication error

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have demonstrated a new technology can help reduce a widespread problem that harms some 1.5 million people every year – medication error.

Of the valid alerts, 75 percent of them were for potentially life-threatening prescription errors, giving researchers a validation of of MedAware’s probabilistic, machine-learning approach (provided it is based on high-quality, complete underlying data).

Source: Harvard study of almost 800k lives shows MedAware technology reduces medication error

Where will Alzheimer’s research go in 2017?

Where Does Alzheimer’s Treatment Go From Here?

This article comes to us from NPR (National Public Radio out of the US). It talks about how recent research into Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment and the decades of research before haven’t yielded the positive results we have all been hoping for. But, that there are still people working hard in this field and searching for new possibilities based on the unsuccessful results so far.

It’s not the most positive read, but it does show how there are many hypotheses for how and why Alzheimer’s disease develops and progresses and even more hypotheses for potential treatment.

Whether it’s antibiotics, probiotics or vaccines, the list of potential Alzheimer’s treatments being considered goes on.

“The bottom line is we need to take more shots on goal,” says Isaacson. “The next frontier is recognizing that there probably isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, and that using targeted therapies based on a person’s own biology and genetics will bring the most benefit. The future of Alzheimer’s therapeutics is in precision medicine.”

Another Alzheimer’s disease medication that doesn’t work….

(from CNN)
On Wednesday, US drugmaker Eli Lilly announced that the Phase 3 clinical trial of its drug solanezumab did not progress as planned.
“Patients treated with solanezumab did not experience a statistically significant slowing in cognitive decline compared to patients treated with placebo,” the company said in a statement.

In a statement, Lilly’s chairman, president and CEO John C. Lechleiter said the company was “disappointed for the millions of people waiting for a potential disease-modifying treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.”

Read the full article on CNN.

Remote Support for Aged People Project

The RemoAge project will tackle the challenge of supporting people with dementia and other frail older people to age at home in remote and sparsely populated areas of the northern periphery of Europe. Long distances and limited resources are two challenges to overcome.

Tested and evaluated service packages will meet this challenge. The service packages will include methods to support the elderly with health and social care needs, flexibility to individual needs and an increased level of remote support.

Expected results are improved access to personalized services in direct support in daily life, support to family carers and health personnel, but also increased involvement of the community.

Target groups:

– Frail older people, including people with dementia, in remote communities

– Family carers and family members of the frail older people

– Community members

– Health and social care professionals

The target groups will be involved throughout the project in a participatory process from the identification of needs, the adaptation of services and the evaluation of services. A main focus of the project is to develop and implement person centred services that are by definition services adapted to the individual needs of the frail older person and their family.

Source: Project

Where to turn for reliable health information

If you are like the majority of people, you use the internet to search for health information. In fact, during my PhD studies, I found that care partners with someone with dementia look up health information more than the general public. While it is great that there is so much information out there and that people are sharing experiences and research, it can also be overwhelming. Especially if you don’t know how to tell if the information you are getting is accurate and reliable.

Luckily, there is the NGO (non-governmental organization) Health On the Net. They strive to ensure that the public gets safe, quality health information and have trusted sources to go to.

Some 7’300 sites are now formal HONcode subscribers, that is, they have a unique ID number and are indexed by us. About 80 per cent of these are US sites, but the proportion of European and other non-US sites is growing. The HONcode now exists in 34 language versions, in addition to English (see, for example, http://www.hon.ch/HONcode/Chinese/).

They suggest searching on websites belonging to hospitals, universities and government agencies. There are also websites that have obtained HONcode certification, including:

Some other tips:

Look for the HONcode seal, often on the bottom of the webpage.  hon-code

Add the term HONcode to a Google search.

Use Khresmoi, a search engine bringing together certified sites.

Search directly on HON.

Click on the link to check out their infographic for more tips and information:


Telehealth helps people with dementia and ‘lost’ words

The study indicates people dealing with aphasia, whether it be from Alzheimer’s, dementia, a stroke or some other neurological issue, can benefit from a telehealth platform that enables them to stay at home and connect with trained specialists, no matter where they’re located.

Video link with specialists helps dementia patients improve communication skills

Source: Study: Telehealth Helps Dementia Patients Recover ‘Lost’ Words

2016 Presidential candidates’ plans to address dementia

grunge_bless_america___precut_png_stock_by_somadjinn-d727784With the 2016 US Presidential election nearing a close, everyone in my social circles seems to be talking about it. Even though I haven’t lived in the US for 11 years, the election is a main topic both with my friends and family in the US and those here in Denmark.

But, not many are asking about how the election will effect dementia research or services for people effected by the syndrome. Continue reading

Dementia: investing against the trillion dollar disease

research*eu results features highlights from the most exciting EU-funded research and development projects. It is published 10 times per year in English. The August/September 2016 issue is a special feature on ‘Dementia: investing against the trillion dollar disease’.

research*eu results magazine - August 2016/September 2016

Issue 55 – August 2016/September 2016


  • Julie Wadoux of AGE Platform Europe in Belgium on ‘Stakeholders join forces to create age-friendly environments across Europe’
  • Hubert Martens of Medtronic in the Netherlands on ‘Brain pacemakers without side effects’
  • Dr. Mark Isalan of Imperial College London in the United Kingdom on ‘The long sought cure to Huntington’s disease’

Other highlights:

  • Chest pain treatment offers hope for the fight against neglected fungal diseases
  • What knowledge societies can learn from foraging societies
  • Disrupting the solar energy status quo
  • A deeper understanding about the causes of sea-level rise
  • New interactive app encourages users to adopt healthier lifestyles
  • EU Scientists use silver to make lights shine more brightly
  • New tools and methods to protect Europe’s Critical Infrastructure
  • Innovative stacking technique results in highly detailed images of Mars


You can download it for free here:  http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/research-eu-results-magazine-pbZZAC16007/;pgid=GSPefJMEtXBSR0dT6jbGakZD0000VCTF9fYd;sid=a9NobXoofeZodS3fMVj2yhgNyRAUPX37bQA=?CatalogCategoryID=Yriep2Ix6ucAAAEvxusQ_v3E

And check out other issues from research*eu results here:  http://cordis.europa.eu/research-eu/magazine_en.html

Independent living in an ageing society through innovative ICT solutions

Independent living in an ageing society through innovative ICT solutions

Europe is facing a major societal challenge in the fact of a rapidly increasing ageing population. A key challenge is to find real solutions to ensure that our older citizens are able to live healthy, fulfilling and independent lives whilst keeping health and care systems sustainable. Exciting and groundbreaking EU research and innovation efforts look set to deliver these solutions.
Independent living in an ageing society through innovative ICT solutions

With each passing year, Europeans are living longer. Although this is to be applauded, there will be increasing demands for health, social and informal care services over the coming decades. This will have real effects on how we live, work and shape our external and domestic environments – home, communities, cities and towns. Questions over who is (or who should be) responsible for health and social care will be at the top of political agendas and concrete answers must be provided. At the same time, the changing age structure of our society can also open up new opportunities for innovation in the digital economy and society.
Read more at:  http://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/400060-independent-living-in-an-ageing-society-through-ict_en.html

Foreshadowing Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers found a specific genetic pattern that corresponded to elevated expression of tau and b-amyloid proteins and weak regulation of protein homeostasis, indicating a high likelihood of future plaques and tangles in those with this gene grouping.

Source: BioTechniques – Foreshadowing Alzheimer’s Disease

Researcher testing drugs to treat Lewy body dementia

An Ohio State University researcher is enrolling patients in the first U.S. clinical trials of two drugs being tested in the treatment of Lewy body dementia, one of the most common but least talked about neurodegenerative diseases.

Source: Ohio State researcher testing drugs to treat Lewy body dementia


One trial is testing the safety and effectiveness of RVT-101, a once-a-day pill that researchers think can restore cognitive function, or thinking skills, in people with Lewy body dementia. About 240 people will be enrolled in the United States, Spain and France for this six-month study.

People with the disease, between the ages of 50 and 85, who are interested in learning more about the trials can call the Wexner Medical Center at 614-293-4376.

Statusrapport om demensindsatsen i Danmark 2016

Rapporten er udarbejdet af Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet med inddragelse af Sundhedsstyrelsen, Sundhedsdatastyrelsen, KL, Danske Regioner og Nationalt Videnscenter for Demens samt en række andre aktører og ministerier.

Bl.a. peger rapporten på en række udfordringer, som den kommende demenshandleplan forventes at tage fat på, skriver Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet i en pressemeddelelse.

Læse mere:  http://www.videnscenterfordemens.dk/viden-om-demens/nyheder/2016/05/status-paa-demensindsatsen-i-danmark-2016/

Og læse rapporten her:  http://www.sum.dk/~/media/Filer%20-%20Publikationer_i_pdf/2016/Statusrapport-demens-2016/Statusrapport-paa-demensomraadet-i-dk.ashx