Wedding plans – include the “seasoned” family

I was digging around the Aalborg Kommune website today and wandered upon this little gem. It was under their page on weddings and receptions in the Municipality.

De gamle.
Det kunne også være en mulighed med en frokost sammen med et par af familiens gamle, der ikke har energien og kræfterne til aftenens festforløb. Her kan de være med fuld intensitet opleve brudeparret med mere kontakt end aftenen ville kunne give. Det kan være en yderst positiv oplevelse, for både brudepar som tiptip-per.
Er der mindre mobilitet, kan brudeparret køre omkring plejehjemmet og vise sig frem. Der er ikke noget der vækker gode minder som at se en nygift brud. Gommen følger gratis med.

English translation:

The elderly.
It could also be an option for a lunch together with a few of the family’s older members that do not have energy and strength for the night’s party program. Here, they can with full intensity experience bridal couple with more contact than the night would bring. It can be an extremely positive experience for both couples.
If there is less mobility, the bride and groom can go around the nursing home and show off. There is nothing that evokes fond memories like watching a newly married bride. The groom is included for free.

A very appropriate and thoughtful suggestion from Aalborg Kommune!!


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