New books on the shelf

I don’t usually buy many things online. I do this maybe once or twice per year, and it’s usually books or vitamins. Last month I ordered a few books and I’m so excited they have arrived 🙂 I also got one of these (a signed copy!) from my mother-in-law for my birthday a few months ago. I’ve read 3 of these already, and reviews for those are in the works. Keep your eyes peeled!


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Do you have any books on dementia that you recommend? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

Healthy Aging: What can you do?

This afternoon, I went to a lecture on healthy aging in Tårnby, Denmark. The theme was “Healthy aging – what can you do?

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Healthy aging is on the agenda in these years and older adults are encouraged to be active and live healthier. But to what extent is our health something someting we are in control of? What can you do yourself? And what factors can you not do much about?

Hear about the subject from two different angles: from the anthropological and from the biomedical.
1. Social communities and the perception that health is something that you can – and should – check. From postdoc Henrik Hvedegaard Mikkelsen from the Department of Anthropology and the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of Copenhagen
2. Training and protein rich diet – and the aspects of health, we cannot do much about. By Associate Professor Lars Holm of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen

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