WHO/Europe | Healthy ageing requires a life-course approach

The first World report on ageing and health calls for urgent, comprehensive public health action to address population ageing. It summarizes current evidence, redresses common misconceptions and assumptions and outlines a framework of action to foster healthy ageing worldwide.

Key messages of the report underpin those of the upcoming WHO European Ministerial Conference on the life-course approach:  Start early to maximize functional ability. It is never too late to maintain peak health by preventing and delaying the onset of noncommunicable diseases. Minimize loss by ensuring supportive environments, effectively managing chronic conditions and developing systems of care.

Source: WHO/Europe | Healthy ageing requires a life-course approach

Preventing cognitive decline in the younger generation

Millennials Have the Power To Prevent Their Own Cognitive Decline. Here’s How.

Millennials Have the Power To Prevent Their Own Cognitive Decline. Here's How.

The 18-to-34 set is the first generation to have information at their fingertips that can help prevent memory loss conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. It starts with your diet. (Photo: Getty Images) 

Alzheimer’s is not a disease that strikes suddenly. Research shows that like diabetes and heart disease, it is a slow decline toward a devastating end.

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