Tourism is an economic activity likely to generate growth and employment in the EU, while contributing to the economic and social development and integration. Led by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the ESCAPE project runs from September 2014 to February 2016 with the objective of promoting and facilitating senior tourism in Europe.
The project will elaborate transferrable business models and transnational tourism packages in order to increase tourism flows in Europe, as well as carry out pilot test to assess the effectiveness of these packages.
The ESCAPE project gathers partners from Italy (PromoFirenze), Cyprus (Cyprus Tourism Organisation and TOP KINISIS TRAVEL), France (Gers Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie), Bulgaria (Cluster for Accessible Tourism) and Portugal (+Passeio) with the aim to facilitate transnational exchanges off-seasons for seniors.
Together with its 7 partners, AGE Platform Europe will:
- help identify the needs of tourists 55+, in order to meet their needs in practice;
- draft policy recommendations for the improvement of the tourism packages;
- involve older people in the setting up of local and regional advisory committees;
- support the development of tourism packages for seniors, as well as
- disseminate the project’s activities and results among older people.