
Yea! You want to contact me!

If you are interested in working with me, I have consulted with start-ups, established companies, public health service providers, and research institutions. If you are designing, selling, or evaluating products and services that are targeted for or used by aging adults, I am your go-to Gerontologist. Not sure if or how I can help? Just send me an email with your question or with a link to your website and I will get back to you with ideas.

If you are an individual looking for information, help, or a connection in this field of work, please feel free to contact me 🙂 I will do my best to use my network to connect you with the resources that will benefit you, and I always enjoy meeting new people interested in this area.

The easiest way to get in touch with me is through this contact form:

You are welcome to check out my LinkedIn profile and connect with me there.

I also have an profile and a ResearchGate profile, where you can view most of my publications.

I am located in the wonderful city of Copenhagen, Denmark. I work in both English and Danish.



2 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Pingback: Q&A: What’s the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s? | Doctor Dementia and the Dementia Adventure

  2. Pingback: Breaking stigma: stop saying they are “suffering! | Doctor Dementia and the Dementia Adventure

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