Alzheimer’s disease is “the most under-recognized public health crisis of the 21st century,” according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Only 45 percent of people with Alzheimer’s are told about their diagnosis by a healthcare provider, compared to more than 90 percent of people with the four most common types of cancer. And of the top 10 causes of death in the USA, Alzheimer’s is the only one that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
What is a public health crisis? The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the term “crisis” for a “situation that is perceived as difficult.” A crisis may at times elude public knowledge, contain different levels and layers of intensity, and have the potential to reach levels beyond what is predicted. For example, specific events such as the 2014 Ebola virus epidemic and 2001 anthrax attacks are characterized as public health crises. Issues like addiction…
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Anyway I’ve noticed that you blog doesn’t get as many visitors as it deserves for such an important subject. There is a very nice and popular blogger called Dream big dream often or dreambigdreamoften that always rebogs other people’s logs when you ask him. In fact he even puts a regular post for this in his timeline Whenever he reblogs one’s blog receives many visitors.
Thank you for the compliment and for the tip!
Interesting. The percentage in my view shows that as usual mental diseases are less highlighted that physical ones. Perhaps there is a stigma attached to them and also they are not always so obvious as physical ones especially in the early stages. Anyway I haven’t seen you for a while. Where have you been?
Agreed, there is stigma attached to mental diseases and conditions and if one looks physically healthy, it can be difficult for others to understand the seriousness of their condition.
I have been a bit wrapped up in my consultancy work with WHO on an upcoming eHealth report the past few months and, unfortunately, the blog has been neglected. But back from the holidays refreshed and ready to get posting again!
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